Database Support - Conversion to Sqlite

Hello All:

I am using Sqlite in place of PostGresSql
for a variety of reasons not relevant here.

Converting the version 0.14.3 database
schema is relatively straightforward but it
reveals a number of identifiers that might
be reserved words in some database products
and thus require back tick quoting or cause
syntax errors.


-- day   as table name
-- date  as field in day table
-- start as field in task table
-- work  as field in task table
-- type  as field in predecessor table
-- value as field in property table

In addition, the task priority field is
supplied in the XML .planner file but is not
in the database schema.

As a more general comment, I note that the
names chosen for both tables and fields are
often generic and at risk of name space
collision when the Planner tables are
integrated with other tables. Their generic
nature might also be misleading in a bigger
schema where other parts of the database
has similar content.

Since the database schema has significant
documentation value, the use of identifiers
with abbreviations that appear cryptic to
non-English speaking coders might also be

For these reasons, I suggest that the table
and field names be reviewed before too much
code is written and they are 'cast in stone'.

How can I help in this matter?


Chris Peachment

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