Re: Completion should be effort invested instead of percentage of duration

Hi guys,

I have come to the conclusion that most of the flexibility I mentioned
before is not useful and I suggest the following compromise.

We allow people to select if they express progress for a task in a
percentage or in work done. The task dialog will get two fields, one for
percentage complete and one for work done. At any time only one is
editable and the other is greyed out, depending on which one they use to
express progress. The one that is greyed out will always be recalculated
if the other or the total work for a task is modified.

Compared to full flexibility, this has one limitation:
  It is not possible to have total work recalculated if progress is
  changed. This shouldn't be a problem because you can still update
  work done first and then drag the duration until the percentage is
  correct (or vice versa if progress is expressed in percentage).

This implementation would need:
- new tasks should get their default from the project
- new projects should get their default from a global preference 
  (should we implement this?)
- libplanner should probably be switched over to tracking progress in
  work done (as in my patch) and %complete could be purely a UI thing


P.S.: Which is better, 'work done' or 'effort spent'?

Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Creator of BiteMe!       griffon26 kfk4ever com

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