[Planner Dev] Dev suggestions


I'm new to planner so mabye this functionallity alread exists somewhere, so please bare with me.
The thing I was missing, although a rudiment is implemented in the calendar, 
 is how to treat resource constraints. I will clearify with some examples.
How do I plan a person who is available 30% january-june then 0% july 75% 
- The only way I found out was to edit every day in the calendar. Not very 
effective ;-)
How do I plan an aircraft, 100 % available in may, but with the constraint 
that I only have a certain amount of money for fuel.
- The only way I found out was a post-it note and a brain (not always 
available though).
So my sugestions are the following.
1) Make the calendar easyer to use on per week and per month basis. Day to day basis is to fine grained. Also add the possibility to use percentage instead of working hours. 2) Add the possibility to add finacial constraints on resources/tasks and projects. 3) It would be really nice to be able to import/export the calendars in i.e. vCalendar format.
Why do I want these changes?
1) In bigger organisations usually you're not interested in whom is doing what on an hour basis, it's more common to think in percentage availibility on week or month basis. 2) Sometimes you have several fundings, and some are wery dedicated to certain resources/tasks and projects.
3) It would be nice to be able to syncronize with other calendarsystems.

Got to go. Bye.


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