Re: [Planner Dev] Re: Simple patch for %complete

David Sundstrom wrote:


One item we need to see over time is how a project is progressing.
The Gantt chart shows this, but we'd like to see a column in the
tasks table that shows the percent-complete value for each task.

The patch below does this.  Sorry for some extra lines of context,
I reformatted the file to have consistent indentation in emacs.  I
could send the entire file if needed.

It looks good, but could you please resend it as an attachment? (It seems to be inlined so some of the lines are broken by line breaks). Also please make sure you generate the diff against the CVS version, since the stylesheet has been changed since the latest release.

Please let me know if there is some other channel through which I
should submit enhancements or fixes.

This list is perfect :)

Another item I'd like to work on is the reporting of the project
duration.  The current report displays the total elapsed time from
start to finish, assuming a start time of 00:00.  In software
development we prefer to think of tasks in terms of "man-days" or
days of effort with a nominal value of 8 hours per day.

Actually, during run-time, planner keeps track of the "work start", in addition to start. Work start is the first time with work scheduled for a task, so it would be 08:00 for example instead of 00:00. We should save this value in the saved files so it can be used in the HTML generation. It would be a simple fix, just save the value and add a transformation to the Planner 0.11-export filter to strip it out.

This should help getting correct durations for reports.

 > While I've got your attention, another think I'd like to fix is
to add default actions to the dialog boxes in planner, so that
pressing <enter> applies the default action (usually "OK"). I assume this is a straight-forward fix that would make the GUI
behavior consistent with other dialogs under gnome.

Yes, I couldn't agree more. I actually changed the Save as dialog last weekend :) Patches for more dialogs would be appreciated and a simple way to get into planner hacking :)


Imendio AB,

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