Re: [Planner Dev] Re: Simple patch for %complete

Le Mardi 15 Février 2005 01:35, David Sundstrom a écrit :
> Another item I'd like to investigate would be a way to track
> actual time against estimated time, so we can see over the life
> of a project where estimates did not match actual effort.  I
> haven't begun to think about how that might be presented.  Perhaps
> some of you have ideas on this you'd like to share.

In TUTOS this point has been addressed by keeping three different volumes for 
each task:
 . planned volume, or simply volume
 . volume done
 . volume to do

When the task has begun, you can't modify no more the volume.
Each time you book some time on the task, you increment the volume done, and 
have an option to manually set the volume to do, which else is to be 
automatically computed (volume - volume done).

So at any point in the task resolution, you can see the planned volume, the 
volume done and the last refined estimation of volume to do.

If planner was to work that way, it could help us joining our efforts later 
on ;)
And if you see a better way of handling this, we could make TUTOS aware of it 
and the server be ready for client use!


If you're right 90% of the time, why quibble about the remaining 3% ?

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