RE: [Planner Dev] Planner-win32, still alive and kicking.

> > I'd like to try a few things and don't have the resources 
> to set up a Linux
> > box specifically to try out Planner.
> Use Knoppix. Linux that is booted and run from CD. That's what I have 
> done to satisfy Linux needs. You don't need to mess with any 
> config. I'm 
> not sure is Planner included in latest Knoppix...

I realise this probably isn't the right place to ask non-planner

I've downloaded Knoppix 3.6 but:

1) Planner is not included
2) It doesn't include intltool
3) I can't compile/install intltool because of the read-only nature of the
Knoppix filesystem.

Any suggestions? You obviously have something set up and working.

BTW: I'm quite impressed with Knoppix and it's "out of the box" and working
X configuration.


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