[Planner Dev] Success! -> Planner on Darwin/FreeBSD/OSX


Thanks Richard & all at imendio for your help, Planner works wonderfully.

To help others, here's how I installed Planner on my Powerbook G5, OSX/FreeBSD/Darwin (some easy parts, some tricky parts):

0. Open a new shell/Terminal window. , make sure you are root by typing "sudo -s" and entering your password 1. Download & install the latest libraries (I used Fink -- best way I found on a Mac). This could take a couple of days. 2-3. The latest version of gettext I had to install manually in /usr/local/* for the make to work (for newbies just download it from gnu.org, become root, cd to the gettext directory, type "./configure ; make ; make install"
4.  Now set the environment as follows:
type: setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/sw/lib/pkgconfig" ; setenv ACLOCAL_PATH "/usr/local/share/aclocal:/sw/share/aclocal ; setenv CVSROOT ":pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome"
5. type "cd ~ ; cvs login" , press return when asked for a password
6. type cvs co planner
7. type cd planner
9. next tricky part: try typing "./autogen.sh --enable-python=no" , if it works, great, if you get a libtool requirement not met then you will need to install the latest version of libtool but first make a backup copy of your current /usr/bin/libtool. After running autogen as above then copy the backup back to /usr/bin/libtool, before typing make, otherwise strange errors happen. 10. type make, if you get an error in the file mrp-parser.c, edit the file and change the gsize above the line on which the error occurs to gint (see Richard's post). 11. type "make ; make install" , should work fine. make sure X or X11 is running and type /usr/local/bin/planner , and let the good work begin :)

For those using fink I'm now working to make a planer package for fink (if someone could do it faster than I that would be great :).


Alessandra & Assoc. Intl.
Dallas * Ft. Worth, Texas  U.S.A.
(214) 335-0278

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