Re: [Planner Dev] Task / Gantt Alignment

On ons, 2004-05-19 at 11:18 -0400, Charles Tryon wrote:
> I've been lurking on and off on this list for a while, and wanted to add
> a couple of notes.  I am building from CVS, as of May 14, on an updated
> Fedora Core-1 distribution.
> 1. Is there any good way to tell from the GUI what the revision number
> is that I am running?  Failing that, is there a revision number buried
> in somewhere in the project files, or do I just go by the latest date in
> the ChangeLog?

Help -> About gives you the version, which usually is the same as the
last released version. So the ChangeLog is a safer bet.

> 2. I am seeing an alignment problem in the Gantt view between the task
> list pane and the Gantt chart graphic on the right hand pane.  The end
> result is that, if you scroll down to the bottom of the chart, the last
> task on the task list gets pushed off the bottom of the page.  Is this a
> font issue?  (Work-around: enter a "dummy task" at the bottom, which
> pushes everything else up one line.)

I've heard from a few people who had the same problem, but I've never
been able to reproduce it myself. What font/size are you using?

> BTW - Great tool!!  I only wish I could share this with my friends who
> are still mired in the Windows world...

Thanks :)

Imendio HB,

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