Re: [Planner Dev] [Fwd: mr project]

mån 2004-03-08 klockan 23.08 skrev Cedric Delfosse:
> Hello cool Swedish guys ! (and all non-Swedish cool guys of course )

Hi, how about non-cool Swedish guys? ;)

> I just discovered MrProject. It still can't compare with MS Project or
> PSN on Windows, but I hope the project will go on.
> 2 functions could be easily implemented:
> 1 - in the predecessor tab, the lag option should support negative
> numbers. A task must be able to be started before the end of the
> previous one.

It's actually working somewhat already :) If you edit a predecessor
relation in the task edit dialog, you can set a negative value. I just
committed a change that removed the lower limit of 0, so negative values
can be entered when adding a predecessor as well.
> 2 - the task and the link should be displayed according to the link type
> (SF, FF, SS, FS). For example, two tasks with a Finish-Finish should be
> displayed in the GANTT chart with the same end date and the link that
> associates the end of each task.

We really need to implement the three other types (only FS works now),
or remove them from the UI.


Richard Hult                    richard imendio com

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