Re: [Planner Dev] Funky Dates, discrepency and weirdness...
- From: Alexey Zilber <alexeyz digital cmsb com my>
- To: Planner Project Manager - Development List <planner-dev lists imendio com>
- Subject: Re: [Planner Dev] Funky Dates, discrepency and weirdness...
- Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:03:36 +0800
Hi Lincoln,
Attached are two of the planner files. I chopped it up so it's only
a partial file and changed other non-essential things. The strange
behavior is still evident.
lincoln phipps openmutual net wrote:
the bext thing to do , if the files do not have information
that would go against European data protection acts, is to send
the actual Plannet files or cut them down to the relevant tasks
(and rename resources) and post that to planner-dev.
Changes were done to the Costs in Planner as the older versions
did it wrong. That'll explain the difference though you'll
need to tell us what resoures are allocated for us to show how
its done for your project.
The start and end date is odd, though this can be crafted when
you have set a fixed duration of 1d and then from Task view
you adjust the work - the visible start and finish won't
change. (in CVS looks like a bug in that the work is insensitive
in the Task dialog when fixed duration is selected).
Alexey Zilber wrote:
Hi All,
I've been using Planner for over a week now, version .11, and I've
been grabbing the CVS daily and testing that out every day. I've
noticed some weird behavior, both in .11 and in the CVS version
that's got a colleague of mine frustrated (she's used to M$
Project). The first issue, is with .11 that stretches over to the
current CVS version. I have a screenshot of this for whoever is
intersted, or I can send the file. Basically you have a start date
of May 12, work is 15d and the Finish is...May 12. It SHOULD be May
24, taking into account the calender weekends. The same happens when
the file is loaded in the cvs planner, BUT the Cost in the cvs one is
half of the cost in version .11. That's issue #1.
Issue #2, loading the same file in both .11 and the cvs version (but
another project, not the same as above) yields a major discrepency in
dates. Example #1, version .11:
Task header (UI Development): Start May 27, Finish Sep 23, Work 165d
5h, Slack 638d 2h, Cost 36,439.03
Sub Task (CSS Dev): Start May 27, Finish Jul 23, Work 20d, Slack
318d, Cost 2,000
In the CVS Version the same file comes out as:
Task header (UI Development): Start May 27, Finish Sep 23, Work 91d,
Slack 351d, Cost 20,041.46
Sub Task (CSS Dev): Start May 27, Finish Jul 23, Work 20d, Slack
159d, Cost 4,000
Why such a discrepency? And what's also weird is, the Gantt chart
for both ends at the same time.
Any ideas?
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