[Planner Dev] User Guide interim update

Hi All,

I posted an update to the Planner User Guide last night: 
As always, your feedback is appreciated.

I'm beginning to weed out some of the screen shots that don't seem to
add a great deal of value.  As Planner grows, the number of shots will
become unmanageable if we include one or more for each feature.

Also on the screen shots, I decided to try scaling them all to 60% of
their original size rather than scaling only the ones that were larger
than 510 pixels wide.  I like the fact that they all look more uniform
now, but they tend to lose sharpness during the process.  Does anyone
know how to scale images without losing so much resolution?  I'm using
the Gimp 'scale image' utility.

Before v0.12, I plan to:
* update 'Configuring a Planner Database'
* add Undo/Redo
* any other new features between now and then

I'm also thinking of adding a section to discuss general UI usage -
stuff like the toolbar functions and that column sorting function that
seems to be missing at the moment (Bug 138915).

Kurt Maute <Kurt Maute us>

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