Re: Connect The Dots: iPhone Graphics, OS X, LLVM, ARM, and Ruby?

On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 20:27 +0100, Soeren Sandmann wrote:
> - It is written in C++ with STL
>       Looking at the implementation of GCC's libstdc++ STL was
>   horrifying - it seems to follow the philosophy of "everything that
>   can be inlined should be inlined". I believe it can be fixed, but
>   obviously only with cooperation from the gcc people.

	The stlport impl. that OO.o uses is somewhat hideous as well; quite
apart from the acute API ugliness, and general lack of readability of
template headers.

	And yes, stlport - in trying to please all men ends up pleasing none -
it in-lines huge chunks of stuff that would be shared with g_hashtable,
eg. hashtable's 'find' is entirely inlined.

	Worse stlport has this scalability problem: the base types tend to
scale well to large data sets, but not to small ones. eg. AFAIR the
minimum size of hash_map is ~190 items - and (unfortunately) people, it
seems, assume that a hash-table also works quite space efficiently at
small sizes. The most frustrating thing is that this is rather hard to
fix ;-)



 michael meeks novell com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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