[pdfmod] Is PDF Mod still maintained?

Hi there!

I assume Gabriel Burt [gabriel burt at gmail com] is the maintainer? If
the maintainer is listening:

*Is this package still maintained?*

Latest release is from 2011. That may be because it "just works" (TM)
without major bugs - or because nobody has time for it any more.

https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=pdfmod says
"Entering a bug into the product /pdfmod/ has been disabled".
Same applies for at least one patch (one of the last messages sent to
this mailing list). So that sounds like an abandoned package...

I used it on Mint, liked its simplicity and wanted to have it included
in Solus. But got told that they don't include unmaintained packages.


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