[pdfmod] DJVU mod ?

Greetings, pdfmod users and  developpers

My name is olivier. I use pdfmod regularly. It's a great tool for 
pdf editing. I thank you for making such a great program available.

My problem is that pdf files are rather inefficient. I use old 
computers and pdfs tend to take time to load or search. So, I've 
been looking for alternative. I discovered djvu files. In 
comparison, djvus are much lighter and faster than pdfs. They are 
also much more efficient when it comes to ebook readers.

But there are drawbacks for djvu as well. Though the licence is 
opensource (gpl), there are very few programs for djvu editing out 
there. I can't edit the toc for a djvu under gnome without the 

So my question is : Would it be possible, either to make a gnome 
djvu program equivalent to pdfmod or implement the same "table of 
contents" editing interface for djvu files ? 

I am not a computer programmer myself. So I can't assess the 
importance of such a project. But the librairies seem to be 
available. They are called djvulibre. There is also a dedicated 
website  : 


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