Re: Updating the OS data that ostree doesn't manage

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020, at 5:36 PM, Dan Nicholson wrote:

While ostree allows us to avoid many of the horrors of packaging
hooks, I also think there are legit cases for that. As you note above,
the SELinux case already requires management of the deployment before
it's booted and ostree has a non-trivial amount of code to do that. I
think it would be nice if you could ship hooks in the OS that ostree
runs at the appropriate time. For instance,
/usr/lib/ostree/{pre,post}-boot-hooks/ or something like that. 

Why would you want post-boot-hooks versus having systemd units which already exist and are already a rich, 
flexible, well-documented way to execute code during boot (and as you are already using today)?  

One I think probably what systemd could gain sugar for is something like ConditionExecuteAtMostOnce=yes which 
boils down to the "write a stamp file in /var/lib/systemd/atmostonce/$unitname.stamp after unit succeeds" and 
ConditionFileExists=!/var/lib/systemd/atmostonce/$unitname.stamp or so?

One crucial thing is systemd units have flexible ordering/dependencies which anything like a simplistic "run 
these executables in a hooks.d directory" will quickly need.

For the
pre-boot case, it would run the hooks at finalize time with bwrap or

The thing is that introducing this ruins the currently IMO very clean model ostree has that it manages the 
filesystem and kernel/bootloader config and that's it.  There's no hard tie to a container runtime - one can 
use bwrap or runc etc.

Another thing that might seem philosophical but has technological implications is - does one think of these 
"post processing hooks" as creating a local commit (hence a potentially derived OS version) or is it just 

These have different implications because for example `ostree admin config-diff` will show you local 
configuration changes, but if you put local stuff in a derived commit, then you'd need to `ostree diff` the 
base vs layered commits instead.  Though I guess we could add `ostree admin config-diff --from-parent` or so?

In a similar vein, I think it would be nice to be able to hook into
the /etc merge.

Agree, though this can be implemented with derived commits per above too.

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