Running OSTree disk images in systemd-nspawn

Hi all,

I’ve been working recently on some changes to systemd-nspawn to get
OSTree disk images running as containers. This hasn’t previously worked
with images which use the recommended dracut integration (ostree-
prepare-root and sysroot.mount) as systemd-nspawn doesn’t pivot the
user’s chosen OSTree deployment to / in the container’s file system

I’ve added a --pivot-sysroot option to systemd-nspawn which does the
pivot root operation from ostree-prepare-root, so that systemd-nspawn
effectively acts as the initramfs for such a disk image.

What do people think?

The alternative was to modify ostree-prepare-root so it could be used
as PID 1 in the container, do the pivot, then chain through to
/sbin/init. However, that means it’s going to trample all over the
/dev, /proc and /var/run/journal mounts which systemd-nspawn has set up
in the container; and it means that the container would not be able to
run unprivileged, since ostree-prepare-root needs to be able to make
changes to its mounts. It also means ostree-prepare-root needs to be
statically linked (including against libc), since /lib doesn’t exist at
that point in the container’s startup.

With the above PR, you can run an OSTree image in a container with:

sudo systemd-nspawn -i ~/image.raw \
   --bind +/sysroot/ostree/deploy/$os/var:/var \
   --pivot-sysroot /ostree/deploy/$os/deploy/$checksum.0

This could potentially be made simpler with a wrapper script in
ostree.git, since the --bind option for /var is always going to be the
same. Note that the ‘+’ syntax for --bind comes from systemd master:


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