Re: libOSTree and casync

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017, at 08:59 AM, Sébastien Wilmet wrote:

Out of curiosity, do you plan to use casync in libOSTree in the future?
Or is the libOSTree architecture not well suited for that?

Broadly speaking, I think casync has some good ideas, but the degree of
overlap with libostree today is extremely high.  We've already got a fully
fleshed out C API, GPG signing, TLS pinning, a delta format, etc.

For anyone using ostree today for its primary intended use case (shipping
base OS updates), as well as e.g. flatpak; and has things correctly set up
and managed, I don't see casync offering much.

casync does seem to simplify administration in some ways; ostree has two formats (the archive
and deltas).  System builders need to manage that.  But on the other hand,
the ostree deltas are more flexible and powerful than casync's default model.
For example, ostree deltas could easily be extended later to use
or similar.

The bsdiff we use today (and admittedly this is where benchmarks would
be interesting) likely compress a lot more than what casync does.  But
they are also more CPU and RAM intensive on the client.

On the other hand, related to administration: AIUI casync doesn't implement garbage collection today.
That's likely to be quite problematic for nontrivial use.  And based on what
I understand of the design, the way chunks get spread out makes this hard.
ostree has GC, and one of the nice things is that it's symmetric across
the client and server side.  On the client side, we can store multiple trees,
dedup across them, but still perofrm GC.

The other area of overlap with casync particularly for *host* system updates
is that libostree has lots of logic today around e.g. handling /etc, backends
for different bootloaders, etc.

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