Re: btrfs, ostree, systemd-nspawn creating subvolumes for containers

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 6:33 AM, Colin Walters <walters verbum org> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015, at 12:11 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:

Does anyone know off hand what the interaction is between ostree and
systemd on btrfs when creating new ostrees and doing rollbacks? I
haven't tested this myself yet.

OSTree never itself touches block storage.  So the answer is the same
for anything in /var - it's untouched between upgrades and rollbacks
by OSTree itself.

You can't create subvolumes anywhere besides /etc and /var when
using OSTree.

OK so /etc and /var are completely static and persistent, so booting
new or previous trees use the same /etc and /var.

I don't understand the reason why /var/lib/machines is a subvolume,
which then contains more subvolumes for each container. It's fine to
for systemd to make sure that directory exists but to create it as a
subvolume is specious, I don't see the point.

And whatever creates subvolumes should clean up subvolumes. I don't
thin, it's the responsibility of services to clean up things they
didn't create.

Chris Murphy

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