Re: [orca-list] Replacing Windows with Linux, accessibly?

Hi Jessica,

I saw that somebody else suggested Ubuntu. That would be a good choice. Another good option is Debian. Linux is a really good thing for a Comp Sci major to get into. Linux runs on almost everything so you probably won't have problems running it on a machine that previously ran Windows 11.

On 9/2/22 10:29, Jessica Dail via orca-list wrote:
Hello, My name is Jessica.
I have a computer that's not working very well with Windows 11, so plan to replace Windows with Linux, 
because that's one of the things I'll be learning this upcoming semester, which will begin my sophomore year 
in college.
I'm studying computer science with a focus on IT.
Does anyone know of an accessible way to replace Windows11 with Linux, in a way that's fully accessible?

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