Re: [orca-list] Search mail in thunderbird

Thanks for the extension info.  It's a life saver.

I'm having trouble with the default TB search that I need to go to gmail.


On 2/5/22 16:23, Rastislav Kish via orca-list wrote:
Also note, that the default position for Expression search search bar is
where the quick filter usually lies, between the folders tree and
message list.

Personally I don't like this default configuration, since I'm more often
navigating around than searching mails.

But the good thing is, that this is actually configurable, so in the
addon configuration, I've moved it between the tab switcher and
Thunderbird's search bar, where I can access it quickly by pressing tab
two times from the message list, but at the same time I don't need to
pass it every time I jump to the message list from the tree and vice versa.

Though, in Thunderbird 91, it's not possible to set this as of now, as
the settings are broken by the TB update.

The search works, though, so if you like the addon's functionality, I
strongly encourage you (and everyone else) to donate the author.

He does the development in his free time, for no reward, the donations
can motivate him to continue work on the project.

Best regards


Dňa 5. 2. 2022 o 10:03 Rastislav Kish napísal(a):

as for standard Thunderbird search...

Go to menu View, Tool panels and make sure the item Quick filter is checked.

Note that the captions of the menu items may be different, I'm
translating them from my native language.

Then, the filter field you want to use is between the folder tree and
message list.

You can type your search phrase there and the message list will get
filtered in real time.

When you clear the field, everything will be back to normal.

For searches of multiple folders or more complex searches, use
Ctrl+Shift+F. Note that this is a standalone dialog, where you need to
set up the search parameters and the results will get displayed in the
same window.

Now, what I actually use.

Thunderbird has a fantastic addon called Expression search NG:

It's the most powerful mail search tool I've ever seen. In a search bar
as simple as the one of the quick filter, you can do searches even more
powerful than the search window offers.

For example, say you want to filter out all messages from John. All you
need to do here is to write:


And you have the results (f stands for "from").

or say you want to filter out all factures from a food delivery service
for a particular food in a specified month. You can write:

f:service b:food d:2022/01 a:yes

(f stands for from, b body, d date and a attachment, this specific
example searches for all mails from service containing keyword food,
having an attachment and being send on January 2022).

For more information see the repository readme, much more is possible
with this awesome addon.

Best regards


Dňa 5. 2. 2022 o 9:22 Edhoari Setiyoso via orca-list napísal(a):
Hi list,

How do we search email in thunderbird? I tried Ctrl+K and found the link
for the email I'm looking for but when I clik or press enter on it it
seems nothing happened.

Also tried Ctrl+shift +F but find no edit field to search for.

Please advice.


Edhoari Setiyoso

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