1. Navigate to that row witch you want as header row.
2. Press: alt + A it will take you to accessibility menu.
3. Nabigate to: speak>speak rows as colomn header and hit enter.
Note: in sameĀ way you can set headers for rows as well.
Hello all.
This is after a long time that I am mailing to this list.
I am extremely happy with the way Chromium is working with Orca as far
as google sheets and google slides are concerned.
In fact I see that google slides are the best thing right now for
My question however must have become obvious in the subject line.
In Calc I can just press Orca + r to set the dynamic column header on a
certain row.
How can I achieve the same in google sheets?
orca-list mailing list
orca-list gnome org
Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca
Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/
GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html