Re: [orca-list] FYI.

Greetings Didier,

I have been trying further to isolate this problem, but I really am
flummoxed. This is because I have since received other E-mails with
zoom links, and no hangs occurred with voxin. I thought it might have
something to do with that particular sender, since both troublesome
E-mails came from the same person. But a separate E-mail from the same
address yielded fine results. So, here is the information that you
requested, and, if it is all right, I will forward to you those
E-mails off-list - unless there is another way of accurately
documenting every aspect of those E-mails? There is no information in
them that would be deemed sensitive.

speech-dispatcher 0.9.1
orca 41.1

Hwaen Ch'uqi

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