Re: [orca-list] Using Gnucash with Orca

Hi all,
GNUCash seemsstill  is not accessible, and posibly accessibility needs
to be implmented in the GNUCash side, but you can try Homebank, I
remember it works very well with more standard widgets than GNUCash.
Is available in Arch, I think in Ubuntu / Debian too as homebank
El vie, 26-11-2021 a las 08:13 +0200, Ishe Chinyoka via orca-list
HI friends,

Recently I started using Gnucash for my personal finance 
management, and
I like what I am seeing when it comes to its interface. The only 
I am getting is that Orca does not read labels when I am in the 
register. So the workaround I adopted was to ask a sighted friend 
read those labels and wrote them down in a separate text file. 
works for now.

The big problem I am having is that other windows like 
reports and cash flow is inaccessible. So is there anyone who uses
Gnucash with Orca? If so, are there some tips you can share on how 
can use it as blind people? At the moment, I discovered that if I 
go to
Preferences and set the Account Register to open in a new window, 
I can
review my transactions with screen-reader. BETWEEN, is there any 
plan to
have Orca work with Gnucash, seeing that it is a Gnome 
application? And
which other personal finance application are people using on this 
other than Gnucash?

Thanks in advance.

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