Re: [orca-list] Accessible mud clients with orca on Linux

I haven't played muds very much, but at one point, I remember gnome-mud working pretty well with Orca. I think the more advanced mudders on this list may recommend tintin++, which is a terminal application that does support sound. It's possible that it may have support for talking to the speech subsystem directly, but I'm not really sure if it does that. I do know that it works with terminal screen readers like Fenrir and Speakup, but can't attest to its accessibility with Orca, given the fact that Orca can sometimes be a little less than perfect in terminals due to some bugs in the graphical terminal system. Although the small number of things I do in a terminal work perfectly here, your mileage may vary when it comes to gaming, especially mudding. Do give gnome-mud a try and report back if it's to your liking. Otherwise, it should be fairly easy to get help with tintin++, though I would recommend mud-related topics be posted to either the Blinux list <blinux-list redhat com> or possibly the Stormux list <stormux groups io>, as there are some fairly serious mudders in both places, and both have a large number of terminal and text mode users who may be able to help as well.


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