Re: [orca-list] Pluginsystem for Orca using libpeas

On Fri, 11 Jun 2021, Linux A11y wrote:

Knowing some basics doesn’t make things hard to migrate to plugins m, but some of them i had to figure first. Stll i want create a orca plugin base class as if we add some triggers, events or API we don’t have to change every single plugin. Maybe we can reuse NVDAs baseclass for plugins. Then we already gain some level of compatibility. But seems there are different kind of extensions or plugins, so i have to read the documentation first what the difference between i.e. appModule, GlobalPlugin and enhancer is. And what is the right thing for us. (Maybe someone knows that here? So i dont have to study all the documentation by my own?)

A global plugin is available globally. For example, a key to say the time is available everywhere so is a global plugin.

An app module only receives events for a specific application. Apparently it can receive events for an app even if the app is not actually running (not sure how that works). If the app is running, the module's defined keystrokes will be considered when deciding if a key is bound to an action, for example. So I can define a keystroke in an app module and it will only be defined for that app, etc.

I've not ever seen any references to enhancer plugins.

I don't know a lot about Orca internals, but it strikes me that trying to provide compatibility with other screen readers might be more trouble than it's worth, particularly given that what is needed to make a given app accessible on one operating system might be completely different from what's needed to make that same app accessible on another.


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