Re: [orca-list] Is the Manjaro Linux installer accessible with Orca?

I had heard it used Manjaro but just failed to install it and it's still using blackarch. The latest iso is 2021-01-04.dual.iso and I don't recommend it now either. Too many things broken. Software conflicts that the jenux scripts are unable to resolve and when one of these comes up the system loops back around and fails to install the software repeatedly. I thought I was going to get lucky with a base install except all that fenrir does since it had a problem with an alsa package installing or configuring is click whenever a return key is pressed. No speech. It's possible to install mate but don't figure on dropping out of g.u.i. and working in real console mode since that's not happening either. The hardened kernel choice after base install gets one of those software install conflict looops. There was a whole lot of things alsa couldn't even find on error messages before the install menu ever came up and some of the keys the system pulls in have some kind of crck block errors on them so that may explain the failed packages installs later on. I don't know for sure since I didn't design this one. At least slint works in console or graphical.

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021, Devin Prater via orca-list wrote:

Oh, it uses Manjaro now? I thought it used Black Arch, a security-focused distro.

On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 05:49:32PM -0500, Jude dashiell wrote:
Manjaro is an arch derivative and it's what jenux uses to install the desktop versions of archlinux it offers.

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021, Jason White via orca-list wrote:

I don't know, but Arch Linux recently introduced accessibility features into its system images. Manjaro appears to be an Arch derivative.

On 7/2/21 2:08 pm, Francisco Tissera via orca-list wrote:

 Hi there everyone.

 Well, the subject says it all: is the actuall installer accessible in
 way with orca? Since manjaro clames to be accessible?

 Best regards.


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