Re: [orca-list] Orca41 and Gnome41

Well, an internet search about a distribution named slacke came empty.

Jude, do you have a link?

Also, to get GNOME installed in Slackware there is the project Dropline Gnome,
but it is for no newer that GNOME 3.38. Link:

There is also a more recent project named gfs for GNOME from scratch or GNOME
for Slackware. Link:

But the packages in:
are for Slackware -current and Slint is based on Slackware 14.2 at time of
writing, so that would need to rebuild on Slint all packages (some already
shipped in Slint) from the sources in in the right order, following
instructions in:

I don't have the time to do that and some adaptations could be needed, good


Le 05/08/2021 à 19:44, Jude DaShiell a écrit :
The slacke distro from Italy has gnome for slackware available and last
time I checked several years ago they were intent on keeping slacke
current with the gnome version release.  I don't know if slacke has died
or if it is still alive what its support status is now.

On Thu, 5 Aug 2021, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:

Hi Shinji

I just uploaded a package orca-41.alpha for testing in Slint, in:

I have speech in Mate with it and braille sent to /dev/tty3 (I don't have a
braille display), no further testing yet.

For GNOME-41.alpha, you'll have to use another distribution.


Le 05/08/2021 ? 12:33, ???? via orca-list a ?crit :
Hi this is Shinji.
How can I test orca41 and GONOME41?

Sent from my iPhone
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