[orca-list] orca support for zoom client ubuntu 20.4

It's not very accessible but is usable at least the version I'm using
under ubuntu 18.04. I can:
* start zoom
* join a meeting via its id
* share the desktop
* start recording
* mute/unmute audio
* turn on/off video
I cannot:
* turn off sharing once started
* reliably share anything other than the complete desktop
* reliably change settings in the app (the web-site is ok)
* reliably enter passwords (see below)
* manage participants
* use the chat function
* manage breakout or waiting rooms

The password problem is best worked around by joining via urls that have
the password encoded in them. The browser will feed the token to zoom
and you don't have to worry about it.

In summary: not perfect but I've been using it many hours a day for
the last six months.

Sath Linux writes:
how can I get orca support for my zoom client in ubuntu 20.4. Is it
already accessible or any work going on?
Thanking you Sathyan.

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Peter Rayner
Academic Lead - Climate & Energy College <http://www.climatecollege.unimelb.edu.au>
Clean Air and Urban Landscapes NESP hub <http://www.nespurban.edu.au>
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, 3010, Vic, Australia
mobile +61 402 752 379, skype: petermorag 
zoom id 4431343191, join at  <https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/4431343191?pwd=a1E5Z3JEOTRVQUJsaVdRbVUvR1QyZz09>
mail-to: prayner unimelb edu au TWITTER: @raynerstrings

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