02.11.2020 13:46, Christian Schoepplein via orca-list пишет:
Am 02.11.2020 um 01:49 schrieb Alexander Epaneshnikov via orca-list:installation iso hasn't supported nor speech neither braille til this day.
I am pleased to announce that starting from this day, arch Linux
supports accessibility officially out of the box.
Do I understand corectly, that speech support during installation is the new accessibility feature, but that braille support has been in the installer for a longer time already?
In the Debian installer a beep tone is played when the boot menue is displayed. Wouldn't it be helpfull to have this also for the Arch installation or is this integrated already?
i understand that beep would be helpful. but unfortunately i
can't do that. the fact is that arch ISO uses two bootloaders.
syslinux for legacy bios and systemd-boot for efi. systemd-boot
does not support beeps. so i decided to not implement this
Sincerely, Alexander.