Re: [orca-list] Orca 3.36.1 echo by words fails in Thunderbird

Hi Alex,

In Ubuntu 20.04 with Orca 3.36.2 Orca works as expected.


Op 22-05-2020 om 15:49 schreef Alex ARNAUD:
Hello all,

Many thanks Sebastien for this.

@milton @krishnakant could you help us for testing this?

I'm myself on Debian 10 so I can't really test this in real-life.

Thanks in advance.

Le 20/05/2020 à 08:14, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
Hey there,

Le 24/04/2020 à 17:25, Alex ARNAUD a écrit :
@seb128 Maybe Orca 3.36.2 could be shipped into Ubuntu 20.04? As it's
a more stable and reliable version it should be safe to ship it.
It's available now as a candidate update, could someone install that
version and verify it fixes the issue and works correctly?

Sebastien Bacher

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