for Ubuntu 18.04 You can do the following:
1. Enable the Canonical repositories.
* Open software updater.
* Click the Ubuntu tab.
* Check the box source repositories.
* Click the other software tab.
* Check the boxes next to Canonical partners and Canonical
partners source repositories.
* Click close.
* When requested, click reload cache.
2. Open a terminal window, press Alt+Control+T.
3. Install git, type or copy and paste the following command and
press Enter.
sudo apt-get install git
4. Install build dependencies. Type or copy and paste the
following command and press Enter.
sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca
* Answer yes to the ‘do you want to continue?’ prompt.
5. Get the orca source code. Type or copy and paste the following
command and press Enter.
git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/orca.git
6. Build and install orca.
Follow the steps below exactly as typed. Doing something else will
mess up your environment and cause file permission problems.
* Change to your orca repository created in step 5. Type the
following and press Enter:
cd orca
* Configure orca source. Type or copy and paste the following
command and press Enter.:
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6 ./autogen.sh
* build orca. Type or copy and paste the following command and
press Enter.:
* Install the built binaries. Type or copy and paste the following
command and press Enter.: :
sudo make install
7. When install is complete, restart the system.
After you can keep up with Orca master by executing the following
commands in a terminal:
* first change to the orca folder
cd orca
* look for uptdates
git pull
* to see what changes are made
git log
* to update
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6 ./autogen.sh
sudo make install
Best regards
Hi. I am a new member to this mailing list. So sorry if my queries are silly. I am using Ubuntu accessible coconut v18.04.03. but after that orca has updated many times. I would like to know how do I grab the latest version of orca and install with to my current operating system.
_______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/ GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html