Re: [orca-list] Update orca


for Ubuntu 18.04 You can do the following:

1. Enable the Canonical repositories.
* Open software updater.
* Click the Ubuntu tab.
* Check the box source repositories.
* Click the other software tab.
* Check the boxes next to Canonical partners and Canonical partners source repositories.
* Click close.
* When requested, click reload cache.

2. Open a terminal window, press Alt+Control+T.

3. Install git, type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter.
sudo apt-get install git

4. Install build dependencies. Type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter.
sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca

* Answer yes to the ‘do you want to continue?’ prompt.

5. Get the orca source code. Type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter.
git clone

6. Build and install orca.
Follow the steps below exactly as typed. Doing something else will mess up your environment and cause file permission problems.
* Change to your orca repository created in step 5. Type the following and press Enter:
cd orca

* Configure orca source. Type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter.:
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6 ./

* build orca. Type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter.:

* Install the built binaries. Type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter.: :
sudo make install

7. When install is complete, restart the system.

After you can keep up with Orca master by executing the following commands in a terminal:
* first change to the orca folder
cd orca
* look for uptdates
git pull
* to see what changes are made
git log
* to update
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6 ./
sudo make install

Best regards

On 6/17/20 5:15 AM, Hamsa Jaisal via orca-list wrote:

Hi. I am a new member to this mailing list. So sorry if my queries are silly. I am using Ubuntu accessible coconut v18.04.03. but after that orca has updated many times. I would like to know how do I grab the latest version of orca and install with to my current operating system.

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