I installed latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS yesterday. When I restored a backup that included an old version of the Orca repository, I did the following steps which failed with the following error: atk requires atk-bridge-2.6> 2.0 found: requirement not satisfied. How should I fix this problem?
Steps performed on Ubuntu to produce above problem:
- In Ubuntu Mate, went to accessories>backups and restored a backup from 12/09/2019.
- When backup was finished, enabled source repositories in software updater and settings.
- In a terminal window, typed sudo apt-get build-dep orca to get build dependencies.
- Changed to the orca repository and typed PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.8 ./autogen.sh
- Before ./autogen.sh completes, it throws the above error: atk requires at least atk-bridge-2.6 > 2.0 found. Requirement not satisfied.