[orca-list] Zoom with Orca

Yes, I use zoom client on linux a lot. My current version is
5.0.413237.0524. Accessibility is by no means wonderful but most
things that are supposed to work with keyboard shortcuts seem to work.
One problem with sound is that zoom often connects to something other
than the standard sound sink so that sound appears dead. It doesn't
usually take out the rest of my applications with it though which
sounds like your problem. Unfortunately the dialogues about choosing
audio devices aren't very accessible so I usually have to call for
sighted help when that happens.

Nimer Jaber writes:

Has anyone gotten Zoom to work under Linux? The Zoom Linux client that is?
As soon as I go into a meeting, I lose all audio, and the only way
seemingly to get it back is to restart my session. Are there any options I
need to set up for audio to work more reliably?



Nimer Jaber

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Registered Linux User 529141.

To find out about a free, open-source, and versatile screen reader for
Windows, visit nvaccess.org <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/WS0QCyoNK5Ur=

You can follow @nimerjaber on Twitter for the latest technology news.

To contact me, you can reply to this email or you may call me at (970)
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Thank you, and have a great day!
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