[orca-list] Possibly more places where flat review seems to break


Similar to how flat review seemed broken in VSCode a few weeks ago, where the word "embedded" appeared in lieu of actual content, I'm seeing a few more cases. Unfortunately, they're on authenticated pages in Firefox, so I can't show examples. If a debug.out would help then I could capture one, but here's the behavior I'm seeing. It does appear to happen in an empty window, but I'm not sure if it is the same or not (I.e. same behavior, but caused by the Firefox UI and not the actual site.)

1. Lots of examples of the word "menu", as in the actual text, but no actual menus. This does seem to happen when I, say, open an empty Firefox window without navigating anywhere. In these cases, I can flat review over "m", "e", "n" and "u".

2. Words like "toolbar" and "menubar" spoken, but not actually appearing in the page itself. I hear "menubar" spoken in an empty window. If I try navigating to it, Orca speaks "Symbol 0" a few times. So, IOW, I don't see "m" "e" "n" "u" "b" "a" and "r", but instead several "symbol 0"s.

Are these additional cases where Orca should be traversing trees for flat review and isn't?


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