Re: [orca-list] Chinfusor, a universal solution for read

Hello Rastislav,

It's as if you'd rad my mind...

Thanks ever so much for this project!

I'm extremely interested, and I'll definitely have a look at it.

Thanks for your effort.

Ciao, Stay safe wherever you are.


On 22/07/2020 19:02, Rastislav Kiss via orca-list wrote:
Hi folks,
so, finally, I have managed to pull of a rather unusual thing for me. I
have actually finished a project! :)
If reading texts written in multiple alphabets is a problem you're
dealing with, read below, I'm pasting here the first section from
Chinfusor's documentation.

When one wants to learn a new language, or simply use a language other
than his native, the very basic ability required in order to do so is
to be able to read text written in the particular language. And while
this is quite easy for latin-based languages, which can be read simply
as they are, the situation gets much more complicated, when trying to
read texts written in other alphabets.

Languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Japanese or Russian are widely used
in the world. Taking in the fact, that population of China at time of
writing this text makes about 1.43 billion, approximately every fifth
human in the world speaks Chinese.\
And yet, when running into chinese characters, espeak, the default
speech synthesizer for many Linux distributions says just "chinese
character, chinese character, chinese character, ...".\
Russian's cyrillic or Japanese Kana don't produce much more informative
results. That is a problem, especially if you want to read text in
these languages, either because you want to learn or simply use them.

Thus, Chinfusor is here to help you.

If you're interested, read more at:

Best regards


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