Confirmed on Debian 10, Thunderbird 68.10.0, Orca master. Note: resizing or maximizing of the window has no effect for me. Kind regards, Frans-Willem On 13-07-2020 09:50, Pavel Vlček via orca-list wrote:
Hi, I don't know, if this was discussed, but try this. - compose new message in Thunderbird, latest official version - use Orca Master the latest - in message body, write for example helloi, delete the i from the hello and read the word by ctrl left and ctrl right. Expected result, Orca will read hello, actual, Orca still reads helloi. Workaround, maximize the window. Thanks, Pavel _______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org Orca wiki: Orca documentation: GNOME Universal Access guide:
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