Re: [orca-list] interesting issue orca master as of a few minutes ago and chromium

hey there,
many thanks!
Majid Hussain

On 26/02/2020, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:
Chromium is giving us the totally wrong document when dev tools is open.
We'll get this fixed in Chromium. Thanks for the report!


On 2/26/20 16:46, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Confirmed. Will take a look. Thanks!

On 2/26/20 15:34, Majid Hussain via orca-list wrote:
hey there,
i've configured chromium to open dev tools undocked in a sepperate
when i open dev tools and go back to the web page from where i opened
devtools from, orca does not read anything, on the page or any of the
navigation keys
things go back to normal when dev tools is closed.
I hope this makes sence,
stepps to repro
open a website exammple
launch dev tools and make sure it is undocked in a seperate window.
go back to the bbc website.
what happens?
orca does not tell us what is on the page, nore do the navigation keys
work such as the h key for headings or the k key for links.
what should happen?
orca should behave as it does when devtools are not open.
I speak of the chromium dev tools which are launchible via control
plus shift plus i.
I hope this is of help,

chrome versions is
Chromium 81.0.4044.17 snap

via a snap on debian unstable.

Majid Hussain

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kind regards,
Majid Hussain

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