Re: [orca-list] Likely bug in braille word wrapping

Thanks Jason. Added to my todo list.

On 4/27/20 19:13, Jason White via orca-list wrote:
Adding this to Joanie's ever-growing queue.

Note: I'm using a 40-cell braille display here.

Steps to reproduce:

1. With UEB contracted braille and word wrap enabled, display the following line (taken from my emial this morning):
git clone

2. Move the cursor to the beginning of the line. The braille display shows "git clone" (contracted, of course) - fine so far.
3. Pan the braille display to the right, then back to the left.

Expected result: the display should show a continuation of the string ("http" etc. Upon panning back to the left, it should restore the original text (i.e., "git clone").
Actual result: everything from "http" up to "NOME/orca" is skipped upon 
panning to the right, and panning to the left moves gradually back 
through the string instead of straight back to the beginning.
I'll send Joanie full debug output separately.

Having looked at the debug output and the code, I have suspicions about the "range" computation (with "git clone" displayed, the range is 48-57, but after panning, it becomes 88-128 (i.e., adding the full display size to starting offset). The range isn't adjusted because the remainder of the line won't fit on the display and cannot be subdivided as there are no spaces. It seems to me that the revised offset should perhaps still be 57, though, and this difference could account for the text being skipped. However, I didn't succeed in working out exactly what was happening by inspecting the source.

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