Re: [orca-list] Google Chrome: Navigating Gmail is unreliable


After experimenting around with Chrome and Firefox, I discovered that it happens with both browsers. Chrome is worse though. In Firefox, go into a Gmail account. When you are in the Gmail interface, turn on focus mode. Pressing up/down in the message list works as expected. However, pressing right/left will navigate through the message columns such as from, subject, received. If you press right arrow beyond one of these columns, Orca jumps out of focus mode and takes you to the top of the page. Sometimes it is random places. I also noticed that Pressing right/left arrow beyond the point of an input control like a text field will eventually leave focus mode and continue in browse mode. Chrome does the same thing, but in the message list, Orca will not consistently read the email summary (the table column that reads the status, from, subject, and received in a single utterance) where in Firefox, the header summary is consistent. Make sure Firefox and Chrome custom settings have navigate with caret on, automatic focus mode in structural navigation off, and automatic focus mode with caret navigation is off.

To reproduce, do the following:
1. Start Orca master.
2. Start Firefox.
3. Go into a Gmail account.
4. In the message list, turn on focus mode.
5. Navigate with up and down arrows.
6. Navigate with left/right arrows. Be sure to exceede the column count by pressing right/left arrow at the beginning/end of a row.
7. Repeat with Chrome unstable (83.0.4100.3).

Actual results: Firefox is more stable than Chrome, but both show unreliable behavior with message list navigation by jumping out of the message list when trying to navigate beyond its boundaries.
Expected results: Orca should respect the control boundaries, especially when manually enabling focus mode.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 10:29 AM Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:
Hey Andy.

So I think I am seeing what you are describing. To confirm: Does the
problem go away if you launch Chrome *without* --enable-caret-browsing?

Thanks again!

On 4/6/20 10:05, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> Hey Andy.
> Thanks for the report. I'll take a look. In the meantime, some general
> questions:
> 1. Does this also happen in Firefox, or just with Chrome?
> 2. If it only happens in Chrome, any idea if this is a regression? As
>     you are aware, a few were recently introduced.
> 3. Any ideas how I can reliably reproduce the problem? For instance,
>     does it always happen with one particular message?
> --joanie
> On 4/5/20 13:27, Andy Borka via orca-list wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Orca master, Ubuntu 20.04, and Google Chrome 83.0.4100.3.
>> Navigating the Gmail interface is unreliable at best. Most of the
>> time, the results of navigating are inconsistent, so it is difficult
>> making a bug report. However, I will do my best to give steps to
>> reproduce.
>>  1. Start Orca master.
>>  2. Start Google Chrome 83.0.4100.3 (currently unstable dev).
>>  3. Go to <> and sign in to an account.
>>  4. Press t to jump to the table of emails.
>>  5. Press ORCA+A for focus mode.
>>  6. Press all 4 arrow keys.
>> Actual results: Sometimes Orca jumps out of focus mode, other times it
>> only reads a cell such as sender, date, or subject. Other times it
>> does nothing. The main concern here is that it is unreliable to
>> navigate, making it difficult to send/receive email.
>> Expected results: Orca should remain in focus mode when navigating the
>> list of emails. Even if Google enabled the feature to read cell by
>> cell, Orca should not jump out of focus mode until I tell it to leave
>> focus mode.
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