Re: [orca-list] talkingarch

Probably you didn't provision your vm environment with wi-fi so you
won't be able to do that connection until you add wi-fi to your vm
environment.  A while back someone had a similar problem with vm but
they didn't provision their vm with a sound card.

On Sun, 13 Oct 2019, ad?rito wrote:

Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 09:40:46
From: ad?rito <aderito carvalho sapo pt>
To: "orca-list gnome org" <orca-list gnome org>
Subject: [orca-list] talkingarch

Hello, I use Windows 10 and use the vmware pro. and when it does not start otarch altomaticamente begins 
the installation script. and when I ./install-f123light it asks to connect to wifi. and already I am 
connected via windows. and I can not I do? and says wifi-menu not found.

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