Re: [orca-list] Accessible mud clients


Tintin++ is pretty much your best bet. I know people who do use it with orca, but you are right, split breaks 
it. I found this out the other day when I made a three-section screen.

My suggestion is use Fenrir for your mudding needs. It was designed as a console screen reader, so it handles 
terminals better than Orca. Orca does great for light weight use, but for more in depth stuff, Fenrir is 
where its at. :)

There are a couple of ways you can go about running it. If you don't mind switching to a console, usually 
accessed with control+alt+f2 for example, then setup is pretty easy. I think most distros now have it 
packaged, so it's just a matter of installing it, and possibly running the pulse configuration tool. You have 
to do it once as your normal user and once as root, so something like this:


sudo /usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/

Another way that requires a bit more setup is to use something like xterm or urxvt. Those are terminal 
emulators that are not seen by Orca. I have created an experimental keyboard layout that provides Fenrir 
navigation keys without getting in the way of the keyboard. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you 
do, it seems to be quite efficient. I do need more feedback on it, and it does need some more keybindings to 
be fully fleshed out. To launch it, using something like xterm, you can do:

xterm -e fenrir -e

Finally, if you want to use the terminal emulator, but you want to use the standard keyboard layout, which is 
similar to both Orca and Speakup in some ways, it requires a bit more setup. You would have to change some 
group permissions, and also come up with a way to turn off Fenrir when you don't want to use it. In the 
Ratpoison window manager, I haven been experimenting with hooks to do this. It's still not as awesome as I 
would like it to be, but it does work for the most part. In something like Mate or Gnome, you could probably 
create a keyboard shortcut to suspend or activate it, a toggle I guess. If you are interested in this method 
and need help, let me know and I'll do what I can.

I did try out some of the graphical mud clients a while back. They are either inaccessible, or have much less 
functionality than Tintin++. The ones that are accessible seem to contain a built-in terminal emulator that 
has the same issues. Gnome-mud, for example, did work when I tried it a few years back, but it seemed to be 
just a gui wrapped around a terminal with a client that isn't much more advanced than telnet.


On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 10:04:46PM -0400, Orca-list wrote:

Does anyone know of any accessible MUD clients that work with Orca? I tried tintin++, but there are problems with Orca reading output in split mode.

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