[orca-list] Is this an Orca bug?

Hey folks,

I'm working on a web app that uses Bootstrap-Vue. The Bootstrap-Vue folks try hard to do accessibility right, but sometimes they mess up, and I'm not sure if this is one of those instances.

They have a toast component that displays popup notifications. The notifications use ARIA attributes,and there's a mechanism to dynamically make toasts appear, but that mechanism only reads any toasts subsequent to the first. So I'm wondering if the first toast appears with an ARIA live region and isn't read because it appears out of nowhere, and subsequent updates read fine because they're updating an existing region?

To see what I mean, visit https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/toast/ and navigate to the demo under the "Toasts on demand" header and click the "Show toast" button. The first click speaks nothing, while the second click speaks both the current and previous toast.

If they're doing something wrong here, please let me know and I'll submit a PR. Thanks!

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