[orca-list] is it possible to use QT5 apps with dbus brokes on 64 Bit systems

Dear specialists,
    I Am wondering, if is it possible to use QT5 apps and newer on 64 bit systems with Orca, if Dbus-broker is being used and preconfigured as default dbus solution. If yes, are there any special steps which should I perform to have QT apps accessible on 64 Bit Linux environment? I Am currently experiencing big problem with Fedora Mate Spin Fedora 30 64 Bit. No QT apps are working, not only Skype.
But Ubuntu mate 64 Bit support VLC and other QT apps excepts Skype.
What could I do to have my favourite virtualisation solution Oracle Vm Virtualbox functioning? It is really not very easy to control and create virtual machines without GUI. Or does somebody of us know about GTK GUI tool, which will support newest Virtualbox? I could use Vmware Player workstation. But I can not compile The necessary kernel modules from Vmware player developers. And VIrtualbox kernel module can be perfectly build and used. But without GUI? I AM using Fedora because of their good kernel and because good Pidgin plugins. And somebody have been so kind that he or she have prepared Seamonkey, my most favourite Internet solution not only for Linux. Any help will be very very welcomed. I can experiment in live mode, so do not hesitate to give Me some tips how to force Orca to cooperate with QT applications.

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