Re: [orca-list] Filling out multi-line textarea fields using Orca and firefox, any tricks?

I'll play around a bit more first.
Mean while, am I correct in that one need to tab onto the field to be able to change it, I.E. when on a newly loaded page, pressing e will take one to the entry field, but to then change it, one first have to press shift-tab and then tab, then wait for orca to say "Focus mode" and then try to enter/change the field content?
TIA, Willem

On Mon, 24 Jun 2019, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

No problems.

So did ctrl enter work eventually for you?

In most of the cases it does.

On 24/06/19 4:38 PM, Willem van der Walt wrote:
Hi Krishnakant,
No, I do not think it is Orca or Firefox, it is me not knowing how to
do it.
PEBKAC in other words.
I tried using down arrow in sted of ctrl-enter.
Thanks for answering.
Regards, Willem

On Mon, 24 Jun 2019, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

I wonder if this is an orca issue in the first place.

Orca once in focus mode does exactly how a normal person would work on a
browser as far as forms are concerned.

In most cases pressing ctrl + enter takes you to a next line in the same
multi edit field.

On 24/06/19 2:05 PM, Willem van der Walt wrote:
Hi all,
How does one go to a new line when filling textarea fields?
On some sites, it seems that, when pressing enter for a new line, I
get thrown out of the field.
Then, related, how does one scroll if the visible part of a text field
is smaller than the content?
TIA, Willem

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Krishnakant Mane,
Project Founder and Leader,
GNUKhata <>
//(Opensource Accounting, Billing and Inventory Management Software)//

Krishnakant Mane,
Project Founder and Leader,
GNUKhata <>
//(Opensource Accounting, Billing and Inventory Management Software)//

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