Re: [orca-list] alto talking arch

Unless there is an altotalkingarch I don't know about, I suspect you
were trying to download autotalkingarch.  A little bit of bad news on
that distribution and a little bit of good news too.  The
autotalkingarch distro was discontinued and is no longer supported.  The
good news is it got replaced by jenux.
Below is a script file with the urls in it you'll need.  When
downloading a distribution it's always a good idea to download a
validation file for it and check validity of iso before attempting an
install.  If the download was bad that way you'll know and can try

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# file: - gets jenux dvd.
wget -bc
wget -bc
On Sat, 15 Jun 2019, ad?rito  wrote:

Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 12:37:04
From: ad?rito  <aderito carvalho sapo pt>
To: "orca-list gnome org" <orca-list gnome org>
Subject: [orca-list] alto talking arch

Hello, I am the adder and I am from portugal, the first time I enter the list of orca wanted to ask a 
favor: could send me the high arch to download the direct link on the other server that I can not download 
the iso.

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