Re: [orca-list] Eolie web-browser, a request


Quickly looking at Eolie I can see that this is a simple browser app coded in python relying on webkit-gtk2.

Guessing from this that what is now blocking better accessibility to Epiphany also blocks Eolie accessibility.

Still one feature request for Eolie developers would be usefull and that is add an F7 shortcut key to enable webkit GTK caret navigation the way Epiphany does it.



Dňa 5. 2. 2019 o 7:55 Majid Hussain via orca-list napísal(a):
hi there,
would it be possible to make this browser more accessible?
currently i'm able to navigate using the h key for headings,
the tab key for links and the k key for links,
the only thing i'm currently unable to do is navigate using the arrow
keys up or down to read the content.
also browse and focus mode don't work.
the script that is used with orca is .
I hope this is of help,
and why am i asking this when we have firefox?
because there should allwaze be a backup browser incase firefox for
what ever reason fails to work.
Majid Hussain

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