Re: [orca-list] orca completely freezes when bleachbit is running the preview or cleane opperations

My guess would be that Orca is getting flooded with events. That said, is there any way you could capture a full debug.out for me?


On 8/28/19 10:23 AM, Majid Hussain via orca-list wrote:
hi there,
I use bleechbit to cleane my linux system,
and when ever i press the preview button or cleane button bleachbit
freezes orca completely, there is no responce while the cleane
opperation or the preview opperation is in progress.
could this be looked at?

stepps to reproduce:
launch bleachbit via sudo
sudo -E bleachbit
select things you wish to clean e.g firefox, makeing sure that firefox
is closed, and if you wish to keep passwords that the password box is
unchecked with in the firefox sub menu,
click preview
or cleane.
what should happen,
orca should continue functioning
what happens,
orca freezes completely when the preview or cleane opperation is in progress.
to test this issue for yourself,
do the folowing,
tick all the selections and click on preview
running orca master very latest on archlinux.
don't judge me on my usage of bleachbit.

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