Re: [orca-list] navigating between list items Android messages web


This site has a lot of accessibility specific enhancements built-in so the best you can do is to force orca into focus mode by pressing orca+a two times when working with this site in firefox.
Conversation list can be navigated using up and down arrow keys and for each item you can press the tab key to jump to a button which opens a menu with additional items. The menu is also accessible in the focus mode. When the conversation is expanded list of messages can be navigated the same way you can navigate conversation list.
Pressing the esc key when in the list of messages moves you to the text entry field.
Only time when you need to switch to browse mode is when you wish to spell or proof-read the incoming message that may contain passwords, pin codes and similar.



Dňa October 21, 2018 9:31:10 AM UTC používateľ "Pavel Vlček via orca-list" <orca-list gnome org> napísal:

I connected my phone with site. I have some issues
navigating the conversation and messages lists. What is the best
practice to navigate these lists with Orca?

Orca 3.30, Firefox the latest version, Antergos Arch Linux.


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