Re: [orca-list] Firefox: Strike elements not reported by Orca with read attribute

Orca is looking for the attribute named "strikethrough" with a value
other than false. I see text-line-through-color and
text-line-through-style, but no strikethrough. Assuming I'm not just
failing to see it....

It would be helpful if Gecko exposed text attribute names consistent
with what other toolkits gave us. See also
which includes:

"true" or "false" whether the text is strikethrough

If Gecko did that, things should JustWork(tm) with Orca.


On 03/30/2018 09:30 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:

- Debian Sid
- Orca master
- Firefox 59

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open Firefox
1) Paste this content on the URL bar : data:text/html,<strike>test</strike>
2) Press orca+f to read the text attribute

Result: Orca doesn't announced something for the strike.
Expected result: Orca should announce something for the strike.

Best regards.

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