Re: [orca-list] other tts with orca


Le 30/06/2018 à 20:07, bittukumar jaiswal via orca-list a écrit :
Hey all, I have 2 questions.
First: How to use other voice variant of Espeak TTS with Orca?
In NVDA there is a option to change the language and it's voice variant.
so how to do same in orca?

Raise the Orca Screen Reader Preferences GUI pressing  <Orca> + <space>
then in the Voices tab select the  Speech synthesizer.

Assuming it is espeak-ng, you can choice among available languages in the
Person drop-down list.

The same apply for other speech synthesizers, I assume.


second: is it possible to use Google TTS with Orca? If yes, then how?
please gide me.

I don't know.

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